Networking In the Music Industry

Put Yourself Out There

If you’re secretly a musician, what’s the point of being one? To make something of yourself in the music industry, you need people in your corner who believe in you and your work. Networking is a powerful tool to take your music career to new heights. 

The music industry is built on relationships, so be intentional about your reputation as someone who’s worth listening to and easy to work with. This can open doors for long-term success. Think about your network as a two-sided coin: you’ve got the industry on one side and consumers on the other.

Create Opportunities

Making the right industry connections helps you put yourself out there and learn the ropes. Getting to know fellow musicians, producers, and professionals gives you valuable insight to trends and best practices.  

Networking can also lead to job opportunities, contracts, or performances unavailable otherwise. Referrals from respected names can land you gigs, features in media, or placements in high-profile projects. They can also help you build a stronger online presence through endorsements and collaborations. 

Even without big-name endorsements, knowing the right people can help land you in the “right place, right time” to launch your career. It really is about who you know. 

This is not to say you need a huge network to find success, but it certainly helps uphold your reputation as a creator. Plugging into a professional music network can also inspire your creativity, opening doors to brand new styles and projects. 

Get Noticed

Meeting like-minded people can lead to future collaborations, which increases your visibility in the industry. As a result, different audiences and industry names will notice you working with their favorite artists. And by staying informed of your growing and changing audience, you can determine how to deliver what people want in real time. (This can help you stay ahead of the curve from a business standpoint.)

Talk It Up

If you need direction, help troubleshooting a problem, or inspiration, your network can be a valuable resource and guide. Industry professionals are great to know, but don’t discount your audience–their feedback is priceless. 

Effective networking involves making connections and nurturing them. Being active in the community, especially by engaging online, is a great way to build and maintain a strong and supportive network. 

Create an Instagram page with engaging content, start a Discord server to chat with your current audience, or join StudioBook to connect with nearby people in real life.

Engage with industry professionals and your listeners. Hear their perspectives. This can inspire and help you refine your craft—whether through direct feedback, workshops, or informal exchanges of ideas. 

Learn and grow with fellow creators and take your listeners’ feedback seriously. There’s nothing great about making music quietly; publicize yourself and your work. To make something of yourself in the music industry, you must establish yourself as a reputable artist people want to spend time with.


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